Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The BED and how it opened the gates to Festool land.

The problem:
  The oldest's bed is too big to get down the stairs in the new house.

The solution:
  Cut the beautiful, big, HEAVY, Cherry murphy bed in 1/2.

  { Best way to cut really straight lines in a bed made by a friend of the family so it could be put back together again and hide the fact. }


  "Alexa, tell me about track saws."  "Sorry, I don't understand the question."  "Idiot Alexa..."  "Alexa, bring me a coke."  "Sorry, I don't understand the question."   "Idiot Alexa..."  "Alexa, turn off the lights ( love this trick )"  Wait for it, wait for it..  DAD!!!    Score!  Alexa, play country music"    Ahh, happier place.

  Google, tell me about track saws.  
  There can be only one.  You must venture to this land known as Festool.  There you will challenge your brain on converting from the right scale to the wrong scale, it will cost you your first born to enter, and everything is built from these funny square box things.

"Dear, you know I really need a tracksaw to work on the oldest's bed and get it downstairs so he can sleep on it."  followed up by "Uh huh"...

CL, my old faithful friend, tell me what you got for me...    Nutting'  WHAT?  come on, really?


CL, my old faithful friend, tell me what you got for me...   Festool Tracksaw and this funny extractor thing.  What in the world??  Oh, translation from Festool Speak to English:  Extractor = Vacuum.

"Dear, lookie what I found, ain't it purdy???"  "It's a screaming deal for only XXX, no wait, I mis read the post ( Must be a sales guy ), well, but it comes with an <EXTRACTOR>" sounding all professional.  "Un huh, why do you even ask, go get it."  

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that woman!

Met a super nice guy who unlocked the gates to Festool land.  PUNK!  I HATE you now...

We are now the proud owners of a Festool TS 55 EQCT 36, and Dust Deputy for Festool.

Now everything I see is green.  Oh, but not Hitachi green, oh no, that just won't do, it must be from <insert angels singing>Festool Land.

Did I mention that I can't work on the bed till about 15 other things are done first?

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